Team Adept closes off 2016 with a bang!

2016 proves to be another great year of performance for both Adept Singapore and Malaysia. With the introduction of IBM Planning Analytics and IBM Analytics on Cloud services, Adept now has more ways to design and develop corporate performance management solutions to meet different organisational needs.

We also saw greater acceptance to cloud services in 2016. We are using IBM Controller on Cloud as a platform to develop financial consolidation solutions for companies with finance users located across the world. By leveraging cloud technology, our customers can save time and resources from setting up and maintaining IT and network infrastructure and instead, focusing more on deeper analysis on their data and optimising their financial processes. 

Similar to 2015, we have once again end the year with a bang as we sealed several deals using both IBM on-premise software and cloud service for customers across industries such as insurance, agriculture and livestock. We have also successfully implemented solutions for our customers in banking industry. We hope to ride on this momentum into 2017 with more exciting opportunities ahead!

Here's wishing everyone a Happy New Year!

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