Team Adept closes off 2020 with a bang!

2020 has been a dreadful year due to Covid-19 pandemic and the resulting economic downturn. As we put Year 202 behind us, Team Adept continues our stellar performance since inception in 2010 with yet another year of profits and excellent project deliveries in Asia-Pacific.

In terms of project deliveries, we have successfully assisted a Singapore customer to migrate their IBM TM1 on-prem solution to IBM Planning Analytics on Cloud on time. This solution is used by hundreds of users across the world to support their planning and reporting processes. 

We have once again end the year with a bang as we sealed multiple deals using both IBM on-premise software and cloud service for customers across different industries. We hope to ride on this momentum into 2021 with more exciting opportunities ahead!

Here's wishing everyone a Happy New Year!

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